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Can Athleisure Offer Healthy Benefits?

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Indulge in Wearable Wellness

There’s no doubt about it; athleisure is here to stay. What is athleisure? It is a decades-old fashion trend that began with adapting workout gear to all-day wear based on a healthy lifestyle that includes daily exercise. It’s more than that now. Athleisure has become a way to dress casually and comfortably without sacrificing fashion, and now is a great time to take advantage of this ever-popular trend.

What Constitutes Athleisure?

Athleisure is everything that is worn for a healthy exercise regimen, including tanks, leggings, track suits, hoodies, sneakers of all styles and yoga pants/accessories. It’s the pieces that can take you from the gym to brunch, dinner or even the office in a flash, and they are all on trend right now.

If you’re already wearing athleisure, it’s easier to incorporate a gym routine or other exercise program into your day.

When Is It Appropriate to Wear Athleisure?

You can wear athleisure anytime, all year-round — at home, at the gym, at most restaurants and sometimes at work. It really depends on your lifestyle and workspace. If you work from home, it is an ideal uniform because you don’t have to be part of a formal work environment. If you do, however, work in a suit-and-tie or dress environment, it may not be an option. Many corporations, however, do have a casual Friday custom, when employees and executives are allowed to wear jeans or other casual attire. This would be a perfect time to try out some athleisure, which some companies may be testing out already.

Keeping Yourself in the Workout Mindset

Studies have shown that if you’re already wearing athleisure, it’s easier to incorporate a gym routine or other exercise program into your day. We could all use a little extra motivation, right? After all, exercise boosts energy, releases endorphins and helps maintain a steady metabolism. Athleisure may also encourage a healthier diet because the outfits are more body conscious. You might feel less inclined to order that burger and fries and opt for a healthier, lighter option while wearing athleisure.

You will find athleisure offered at many clothing stores and online. Today’s top athletic brands, as well as up-and-coming names, offer whole lines of athleisure. Some even offer dress pants that double as work clothes and workout gear, due to their tailored look and stretch fabric. There are also affordable options at most department stores.

Which Athleisure Fabrics Are the Healthiest for Your Skin?

Depending on your preferred exercise routine, there are several fabrics that lend themselves to both health and comfort. Bamboo pulp is a light, natural fabric that is both breathable and moisture-wicking. Plus, it shields the skin from damaging UV rays. Cotton rules over synthetics because it absorbs odor-causing bacteria. However, cotton blends, like cotton/spandex, may be your best bet for heavy-duty workouts to ensure you’re not drenched in sweat by the end of your workout. Gortex, polypropylene, polyester, nylon and wool all have their special properties, depending on the type of workout.

Incorporating some athleisure into your closet will ensure you have comfort and style in the bag. But, more than that, you’re always prepared to get active — and that could inspire a healthier, more fit lifestyle.