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Healthy Food Swaps To Reduce Your Sugar Intake

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Swapping the Sweet Stuff

Did you know that the average American consumes 66 pounds of added sugar per year? Yes, pounds. But to be fair, sugar can be pretty sneaky. It’s lurking in things you may not even think about, like certain breads and condiments. It also goes by more than 50 names including brown rice syrup, fruit juice concentrates, maple syrup, cane crystals, maltodextrin and anything ending in ose (glucose, fructose, maltose, dextrose, etc.)

The American Heart Association recommends no more than 6 teaspoons (25 grams) of added sugar per day for women and 9 teaspoons (38 grams) for men. The amount for children ranges between 3 and 6 teaspoons (12 to 25 grams) per day, depending on their age and caloric needs.

Keeping your sugar in check doesn’t have to mean cutting back on flavor. Check out our infographic with ways to help you reduce your sugar intake while still enjoying the sweet side of life.

Don’t forget to post a pic of your swaps using #TakingOnHealthy.

Sugar substitutions image

Did you know that frozen bananas (with a bit of milk or cashew milk) taste like soft-serve ice cream? Just whip it up in a blender and add spices, like cinnamon, for a dose of delicious and healthy flavor.

For more ways to feed your family right, check out all our recipes from The Dish!